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The Second Symposium on The Ocean in a High-CO2 World
6 - 9 October 2008

(download the symposium flyer)


The Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR), Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC), International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), and International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP) are convening the second symposium on The Ocean in a High-CO2 World on 6-9 October 2008 in Monaco.  The purpose of the meeting is to provide an interdisciplinary forum to assess what is known about ocean acidification and priorities for future research. The 4th day of the symposium will be a 1/2 day session for the meeting summary and press conference.

The symposium will include both invited and contributed presentations.  The meeting organizers seek contributions on relevant topics, including the following:

- Scenarios of ocean acidification
- Effects of changes in seawater chemistry on nutrient and metal speciation
- Ocean carbon system from deep-time to the present to the distant future
- Paleo-chemistry
- Mechanisms of calcification
- Impacts on benthic and pelagic calcifiers
- Physiological effects: From microbes to fish
- Adaptation and (micro)evolution
- Fisheries, food webs, and ecosystem impacts
- Biogeochemical consequences and feedbacks to the Earth system
- Economic consequences
- CO2 disposal

The symposium will include plenary presentations, discussion sessions on research priorities, and a poster session. Because of time limitations, most contributed abstracts will be presented as posters. Manuscripts based on presentations at the symposium can be submitted to a special issue of Biogeosciences and research priorities will be published separately for the benefit of ocean scientists and research program managers worldwide. 

Invited Speakers

Confirmed invited speakers as of 5 February include:

Andy Knoll (Harvard, USA) - Paleo-evolution and Adaptation
Ken Caldeira (Carnegie Institute of Washington, Stanford, USA) - Paleo-chemistry
Peter Haugan (Geophysical Institute, Uni. Bergen, Norway) - CO2 Disposal
Ulf Reibesell (IFM-GEOMAR, Germany) - Physiology overview / autotrophs
Antje Boetius (Max-Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology, Germany) - Physiology overview / microbes
Hans-Otto Poertner (Alfred Wegener Institute, Germany) - Physiology overview / invertebrates to fish
Richard Feely (PMEL, NOAA, USA) - Predications and scenarios
Hein de Baar (NIOZ, Netherlands) - Effects of changes in carbonate chemistry on nutrient and metal speciation
Jean-Pierre Gattuso (CNRS, France) - Corals and coraline algae
Vicki Fabry (California State Uni., USA) - Pteropods, bivalves, forams
Jonathan Erez (Institute of Earth Science, Hebrew Uni., Israel) - Mechanisms of calcification
Laurent Bopp (CNRS, France) - Biogeochemical consequences


Because of the wide interest in the meeting and the need for a longer lead time for some participants to arrange visas, the symposium planners decided to open registration earlier than originally planned (now 29 February).  The meeting space in the Oceanography Museum in Monaco is limited, so it is very important that individuals interested in participating in the symposium register as early as possible.  If the number of registrants is greater than the space available, a selection process will be used, with some preference given to applicants who submit an abstract relevant to the meeting topics. 

Important dates:

29 February 2008 - Early registration and abstract submissions open
31 May 2008 - Abstract deadline
31 July 2008 - Early registration closes
31 August 2008 - Biogeosciences opens for submissions to special section on "The Ocean in a High CO2 World - II"
6-9 October 2008       The Second Symposium on The Ocean in a High-CO2 World
7 November 2008          Biogeosciences closes for submissions to special section

Committee Members

The Planning Committee is chaired by James Orr of theMarine Environment Laboratories (MEL-IAEA) in Monaco and includes the following members: Ken Caldeira (USA), Victoria Fabry (USA), André Freiwald (Germany), Jean-Pierre Gattuso (France), Peter Haugan (Norway), Patrick Lehodey (France), Silvio Pantoja (Chile), Hans-O. Pörtner (Germany), Ulf Riebesell (Germany), and Tom Trull (Australia).


For additional information, please contact James Orr (J.Orr"at"iaea.org) or one of the sponsors’ representatives: Ed Urban (Ed.Urban"at"scor-int.org), Maria Hood (m.hood"at"unesco.org), or Wendy Broadgate (wendy"at"igbp.kva.se).

Additional instructions for registration and abstract submission will be provided in early 2008, but please put the dates for this meeting on your calendar.


2004 Symposium Pages (includes research priorities report, agenda and speakers list, and powerpoint presentations)