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Fact Sheets, Statements, and General Information
Films and Radio Shows
Research Programme Sites
Powerpoint Library

Note: the views expressed by these resources do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the sponsor organizations SCOR, IOC, IGBP, or IAEA-MEL.


Fact Sheets, Statements, and General Information

European Science Foundation Science Policy Briefing: Impacts of Ocean Acidification (August 2009)

Summary for Policymakers: The Ocean in a High CO2 World (July 2009): pdf 1.4MB; pdf 7MB.

Ocean Acidification Information Outlet (Blog by Dr. Jean-Pierre Gattuso)

The Ocean in a High CO2 World Fact Sheet

Eur-Oceans Fact Sheet: Ocean Acidification - The Other Half of the CO2 Problem

The Pew Charitable Trust Science Brief: Carbon Dioxide and Our Ocean Legacy

The PMEL NOAA Ocean Acidification Pages

Ocean Acidification and its Consequences, in the French ESSP Newsletter (in english and french).

U.S. National Research Defence Council Ocean Acidification Information Pages

International Maritime Organization London Dumping Convention CO2 Sequestration FAQ

SOLAS Scientific Steering Committee Position Statement on Large-Scale Ocean Fertilization

IMO London Convention Statement of Concern Regarding Iron Fertilization of the Oceans to Sequester CO2

SCOR-GESAMP Position Statement on Deliberate Nutrient Additions to the Ocean

IOC ad hoc Consultative Group Statement on Ocean Fertilization

IOC Information Document 1247: Background report on Ocean Fertilization for IOC Executive Council 2008

IOC - SCOR Watching Brief on Ocean Carbon Sequestration

Convention on Biological Diversity COP 9 Decision IX/16: Biodiversity and Climate Change (part c: ocean fertilization)

IMO London Convention Resolution LC-LP 1 On the Regulation of Ocean Fertilization (October 2008).

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Films and Radio Shows

22 April 2009. NBC Nightly News Earth Day Report on Ocean Acidification. http://education.smashits.com/video/lIBTuJqPHIk/nbc-nightly-news-ocean-acidification-04-22-2009-191009.html

January 2009. UCSD Scripps Birch Aquarium Lecture Series. Acidic Oceans: Why Should We Care? Andrew Dickson. (1 hour presentation available on YouTube at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQMZfCKuFIQ).

August 2008. Scientist warn fossil fues may increase ocean acidity (Australian Broadcasting Company, The 7:30 Report)

2007. Eur-Oceans short film: Should we manipulate the oceans? (available in English and French) - Featuring Hein de Baar, Christine Klaas, and James Orr.

2007. CarboOcean / Univisjon mini-documentary (only available in Norwegian) on De forste Co2-ofrene? featuring Peter Haugan, Joan Kleypas, Richard Bellarby, and James Orr.

2007. US National Public Radio "Open Source" program interview with Scott Doney about Global Warming: Oceans. (24 MB MP3)

2006. Eur-Oceans short film: Ocean Acidification (available in English and French) - Featuring James Orr and Jean-Pierre Gattuso.

2006. US National Public Radio "Weekday" program interview with Christopher Sabine and Richard Feely about The Dangers of Ocean Acidity (MP3)

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Research Programmes

Integrated Marine Biogeochemistry and Ecosystems Research Project: IMBER

Surface Ocean - Lower Atmosphere Study: SOLAS

IGBP-SCOR Fast Track Initiative on Ocean Acidification / Past Global Changes

International Maritime Organization / London Convention

Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network

International Ocean Carbon Coordination Project

Biodiversity of Open Ocen Microcalcifiers (BOOM)

European Framework 6 Project: CARBOOCEAN

EU Framework7 Project: European Project on Ocean Acidification (EPOCA).

European Network of Excellence for Ocean Ecosystems Analysis: Eur-Oceans

European Network of Excellence for Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning: MARBEF

North Pacific Marine Science Organization: PICES

International Council for Exploration of the Seas (North Atlantic): ICES

Oslo-Paris Commission for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic: OSPAR

US - Ocean Carbon and Biogeochemistry Program (NSF, NOAA, NASA): OCB

Austalia / Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre Report (2008)

Belgium - Role of Pelagic Calcification and Export of Carbonate Production in Climate Change: PEACE

Germany and Norway - Pelagic Ecosystem CO2 Enrichment Study: PeECE

UK Marine Climate Change Impacts Partnership: Annual Report Card (includes acidification impacts and projections)

EU Strategic Workshop on the "Impacts of Ocean Acidification", January 2008. (powerpoints available)

Ocean acidification studies using volcanic carbon dioxide vents: University of Plymouth.

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Ocean Acidification  
2008 Position Analysis: CO2 Emisssions and Climate Change: Ocean Impacts and Adaptation Issues (2008). Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Center.
2006 The Future Oceans - Warming Up, Rising High, Turning Sour (2006). Special Report from the German Advisory Council on Global Change. WBGU, Berlin, 110 pages.
  Reviewing the Impact of Increased Atmospheric CO2 on Oceanic pH and the Marine Ecosystem, in Avoiding Dangerous Climate Change (2006). Proceedings from the international symposium on Stabilization of Greenhouse Gas Concentrations, Avoiding Dangerous Climate Change, Cambridge University Press, 392 pages.
  Impacts of Ocean Acidification on Coral Reefs and Other Marine Calcifiers : A Guide for Future Research (2006). Report of a workshop sponsored by NSF, NOAA, USGS.
Ocean Carbon Research Plan of the Joint SOLAS / IMBER Carbon Working Group (2006).
2005 The Ocean in a High CO2 World (2005). Proceedings from the International Symposium; Special Issue of the Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, v. 110, 2005.
Ocean acidification due to increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide (2005). The Royal Society, London, 60 pages.
2004 Research Priorities Report from The Ocean in a High CO2 World international symposium (2004). (pdf 142 kB)
Cicerone, R., J. Orr, P. Brewer, P. Haugan, L. Merlivat, T. Ohsumi, S. Pantoja, H.-O. Poertner, M. Hood, E. Urban (2004). The Ocean in a High CO2 World, Oceanography, Vol. 17, No. 3, September 2004, 72-78. (pdf link to Oceanography Magazine site)
Ocean Carbon Sequestration  
2007 IOC-SCOR Watching Brief on Ocean Carbon Sequestration (2007). (pdf 142 kB)
2005 IPCC Special Report on Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage (2005).
The Ocean in a High CO2 World (2005). Proceedings from the International Symposium; Special Issue of the Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, v. 110, 2005.
2004 Geological Storage of CO2 (2004). Proceedings from the OSPAR Convention.
2001 Direct Ocean Sequestration Experts' Workshop, Final Report, 2001 (sponsored by US DOE, NETL, MBARI).
American Society of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO) - The Scientific and Policy Uncertainties Surrounding the Use of Ocean Fertilization to Transfer Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide to the Oceans: A summary statement drafted by participants in an ASLO workshop, April 25, 2001 Washington D.C. (html link)
1999 Ocean Storage of CO2 (1999). A report from the International Energy Agency Greenhouse Gas R&D Programme.

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Powerpoint Library

Event / Links
Presentations Available
The Ocean in a High CO2 World - II (2008)

See the full list at:


Ocean Acidification - Modern Observations and Past Experiences (2006)
  • Controls on past [and future] ocean chemistry -- Andy Ridgwell
  • Biological mechanisms of calcification and other processes most likely to be affected by changes in ocean chemistry -- Jonathan Erez
  • Experimental results on effects of ocean chemistry changes on benthos (incl. corals) -- Jean-Pierre Gattuso
  • Marine planktonic response to long-term changes in ocean chemistry over Earth history to glacial-interglacial cycles - gradual and extreme events -- Jelle Bijma
  • Adaption and evolution - some case studies -- Daniela Schmidt
  • Working group reports, talk and poster abstracts also available on-line.
OSPAR Workshop on Geological Storage of CO2 (2004)
The Ocean in a High CO2 World (2004)

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