
Research Priorities Reports
2004 Cicerone et al., 2004
2008 Orr et al., 2009

Special Issues
JGR-Oceans 2005
Biogeosciences (2009-2010)

Oceanography Magazine (2004)
EOS Magazine (2004)
IGBP Newsletter (April 2009)
Oceanography Magazine (2009)

Summary for Policymakers 2009
English low res (1.4MB); high res (7MB)
low res (1.4MB)
low res (1.4MB)
low res (1.4MB)

The Monaco Declaration (pdf 5Mb)
UNESCO Press Release (English)
UNESCO Press Release (French)
UNESCO Press Release (Spanish)
IGBP Press Release
IAEA Press Release

Symposia Abstract Books

Symposia Presentations

Press Releases
IGBP 2008
UNESCO-IOC 2008 english
UNESCO-IOC 2008 french

Fact Sheets

Frequently Asked Questions

Additional References
European Project on Ocean Acidification (EPOCA)

Joint IMBER/SOLAS Carbon Working Group #3



2004 Symposium Presentations

Author Title

James A. Edmonds

Projections of atmospheric CO2 increases from pre-industrial levels to 2100 and economic implications (4MB ppt)
Martin Parry What would be the impacts of climate change assuming no/some/much emissions control and sequestration? (11 MB ppt)
Laurent Bopp Physical / climate drivers of the ocean in the future (4 MB ppt)
David Archer Long lifetime of anthropogenic C release and response of the ocean clathrate reservoir (2 MB pdf)
Edward Boyle Paleo-perspective on Ocean pH, Carbonate Ion and the Carbon Cycle (4 MB ppt)
Andrew Watson Surface Ocean Fertilization Overview (5 MB ppt)
Peter Brewer The essential science for evaluating direct injection and the emerging high-CO2 ocean: Designing the next generation of ocean CO2 experiments (32 MB ppt)
Hans-Otto Poertner Effects of CO2 on marine animals: Time scales, processes, and limits of adaptation (6 MB ppt)
Ulf Riebesell Phytoplankton in a high-CO2 world: Biological responses and their biogeochemical implications (11 MB ppt)
Ove Hoegh-Guldberg Low coral cover in a high-CO2 world (27 MB ppt)
Yoshihisa Shirayama Biological impacts on marine organisms in a high-CO2 world (3 MB ppt)
Louis Legendre Chemical and biological effects on mesopelagic organisms and communities in a high-CO2 world (1 MB ppt)
Atsushi Ishimatsu Chemical and biological effects on fishes in a high-CO2 world (6 MB ppt)
Eric Vetter Ecological effects of deep-ocean CO2 enrichment: Insights from natural high-CO2 habitats (10 MB ppt)
Michael Landry The ecology of iron-enhanced ocean productivity (4 MB ppt)
Hein DeBaar Synthesis of in situ iron-enrichment experiments (26 MB ppt)
Peter Haugan Physical and chemical processes affecting release of CO2 at the seafloor (1 MB pdf)
James P. Barry Biological effects of deep-sea organisms to direct CO2 injection (218 MB ppt with video files) ** only available on cd-rom.
Olivier Aumont Assessing the efficiency of iron fertilization on atmospheric CO2 using an intermediate complexity ecosystem model of the global ocean (3 MB ppt)
Baixin Chen Modelling of dispersion from direct injection in the water column (2 MB ppt)
Robbie Toggweiller Glacial-interglacial transitions as analogs for our high-CO2 future (0.5MB ppt)
Anand Gnanadesikan Limits of iron fertilization: Why simple models of iron fertilization may give misleading answers (1 MB ppt)
Ken Caldeira Ocean model predictions of changes in ocean pH and calcite saturation (1 MB ppt)