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January 25 - 30
ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting 2009
Several sessions on response of marine phytoplankton and corals to climate impacts, including acidification. ASLO Aquatic Sciences homepage.
March 2 - 6

11th Pacific Science Inter-Congress
Session on climate change and ocean acidification.
For more information: visit the congress web-site.

March 10-12
Climate Change: Global Risks, Challenges and Decisions
Session on Consequences of Acidification on Land and Ocean.
For more information: visit the web-site of the 15th Session of the UN Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC.
April 27-30

ICES International Symposium "Issues Confronting the Deep Oceans"
Session D: Climate change and ocean acidification".
For more information: visit the conference web-site at: http://www.turangra.com/congressos_en/seccao.php?id=9&link=52
June 21-26
Davos, Switzerland
The Goldschmidt 2009 Challenges to Our Volatile Planet
Session 13a "Ocean Acidification: Past, Present, and Future".
For more information: visiti the Goldschmidt web-site or contact Andy Ridgewell (andy "at" seao2.org).
30 June - 2 July
Plymouth, UK
EPOCA Annual Meeting (invitation only)
For more information: visit the EPOCA web-site.

past news and events