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Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research
Dr. Edward Urban, Jr.

Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO
Dr. Kathy Tedesco

International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme
Dr. Wendy Broadgate

Internationl Planning Committee 2012

Claire Armstrong, Norway – fisheries impacts/socioeconomics

Peter Brewer, USA – carbon chemistry and pH effects on sound

Ken Denman, Canada – ecosystem modeling

Richard Feely, USA – carbon chemistry observations

Kunshan Gao, China-Beijing – marine organisms sensitive to acidification (macroalgae and phytoplankton)

Jean-Pierre Gattuso, France - marine organisms sensitive to acidification (corals and other calcifiers)

Dan Laffoley, UK - policy

Yukihiro Nojiri, Japan – carbon chemistry observations

Jim Orr, France – carbon cycle modeling

Hans-Otto Poertner, Germany - marine organisms sensitive to acidification (fish and physiology)

Carlos Eduardo Rezende, Brazil – organic geochemistry

Ulf Riebesell (chair), Germany – pelagic biogeochemistry

Daniela Schmidt, UK – paleocarbon and calcium carbonate chemistry

Anya Waite, Australia - marine organisms sensitive to acidification (phytoplankton and corals)